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See What Our Customers Think

After being diagnosed with CPOD a cortisone inhaler was prescribed to me with the instruction that I would have to use it for the rest of my life. It alleviated the problem only slightly. Then I was told about the MSM combo by Salvita and I have been using it to great effect for the past three years. I’m hardly ever out of breath and am effortlessly jogging 5km three times a week. “Anonymous - Knysna”


My son and I have been using Saltiva Multi Immune and MSM combo for over six months and we are very satisfied with the improvement we have seen with regards to our mental and physical health. We both have more physical and emotional energy to socialize and stay active now and we have both seen an improvement in sleep. The flu couldn’t touch us this year as our immune systems were ready and we were only sick for two days as fever is a sigh of a well-functioning immune system. “Lente and Lucas Kannemeyer – Cape Town”


We as a family highly recommend the MSM combo and its instant support, being a very active family and very social we have found the MSM combo supports our lifestyle and keeps our health in check 100%. Combined with the amazing Multi Immune, we are completely protected from these nasty viruses and bugs... Highly recommended. “Pincente family – Cape Town”

80 yrs old 3 bypass 2007 and diabetic. Started Salvita NAC when COVID started. This amazing product has kept me in good state of health and no COVID... Miracle working tablets. “Frank – Cape Town”


70 yrs old soon. Diabetic on insulin, heart and kidney failure. Been on Salvita NAC since COVID started.... No COVID at all. This product has added years to my life... Would never be without it ever! Awesome stuff. “Laurie- Cape Town”

I have been using two of the SALVITA Products which I can highly recommend - Multi Immune as well as the NAC capsules. With a low immune system as well as chronic sinusitus, these products have been amazing! I recently had a severe case of bronchitis as well as laringitis and by taking these products, my recovery time was super-fast for which I am extremely grateful. I have already recommended these products to quite a few of my friends and I believe that they are highly beneficial and should be on the shelf of every household! “Suzette Coetzee – Knysna”


Most of my family are using both MSM combo and Humic acid for a few months now.  My parents are 77 years old and still very active and healthy.  One of our family members had severe constipation, nothing worked, cried when she had to go to the bathroom, after using Humic acid, she started to get regular within a few days and are extremely relieved and happy with the product. One need to realise that you only see results after a while, and sometimes not realising that you feel so much better.  This is a long-term solution with no side-effects. “Koos – Pretoria”


My entire family use the Salvita NAC, Multi-immune, Humic Acid and MSM combo on a daily basis for immune, anti-inflammatory and detox support and for general well-being. I had all 3 variants of COVID and it was nothing more than a slight cold or discomfort due to the effective support of the Salvita range products.  It also helps me with support while on chronic cancer mediation and to help curb the side-effects of the medication. “Hannes – Somerset West”


The Salvita MSM Combo notably supported and maintained me through cancer radiation and brain surgery, and thereafter successfully. “Amor Meets – Somerset West”


The Salvita range is our go-to for illness and fatigue. Our family responds particularly well to the Multi-Immune and MSM Combo products - and a little goes a long way. “Beth – St Francis Bay”


I am a single mother, with a sensitive genetic profile recovering from H-pylori and Giardia and a host of parasitic infections from living on a farm, rescue animals, travel and my work.  It has been a very hard journey to learn to balance metabolic processes, with so much money spent on supplements I couldn’t use, doctors who misdiagnosed, and medications that just made me sicker and sicker. When I finally consulted a understanding practitioner, I was weighing 40 kg’s, unable to function and having in excess of two migraine attacks each week, which included out of control vomiting, blood, enlarged liver and a lot of pain.  I was literally just managing symptoms, trying to get nutrition in and getting more and more sensitive to pollution, stress and most foods. I have fought my way back by rehabilitating my sulfur pathways, steadily increasing relevant nutrients, and addressing the bacteria with courses of antibiotics. Salvita’s Humic Acid has been a life saver.  I use it as an enema implant with probiotics and it has improved the quality of my life 100%.  It mops up the toxins that where poisoning me and binds them, leaving my colon charged with the trace minerals and elements that have been so depleted.  It has helped me rebuild my microbiome and balance the electric impulse that causes my brain crash and burn. NAC is proving to be invaluable as my body learns to function at a healthy homeostasis again.  It is really helping my liver to remove toxins from my blood stream and restore my old energy levels and resilience.  I feel the difference at a cellular level, the ease and comfort in my skin is wonderful after so many years of pain. While I am not able to take the Salvita MSM, my two sons, who are both sensitive with ADHD and other genetic mutations, do extremely well on the formula.  My youngest son insists on taking it every morning to wake his brain up.  At 15, with hormonal and social stressors, he really appreciates the clarity and energy that helps his brain to stay focused and awake.  He is quite vocal about how much he loves the product!!! I am so grateful to Salvita’s incredible products, there are no words.  I highly recommend them. “Kate Forbes – Naturopath Plettenberg Bay”.


We were introduced to the SALVITA products during the COVID epidemic. My husband and I have been taking the SALVITA’S MSM Combo, Multi immune and NAC on a daily basis. My husband had the vaccine for COVID-19 but I did not. Neither of us contracted the virus. I am convinced that the SALVITA products had a major part in keeping us healthy. “Gwen Fairley – Cape Town”


The SALVITA products are excellent general support, excellent support through COVID. “Astrid – Pretoria”

MSM combo, NAC, Multi Immune and Humic Acid Powder is our go-to when symptoms of bacterial or viral infections show. Our friends and family know that we highly recommend these products too. The products work and both our kids (4 & 6) love the taste which is an added bonus. “Timene Stemmet – Somerset West”


I have been using Saltiva MSM and Multi Immune support for years and can truly say the change in my health is remarkable, gone are my aches and pains and energy levels have increased, which in turn lifted my spirit. It contains the correct balance of vitamins and minerals and no colorants and preservatives, all natural. “Anna – Cape Town”


Salvita products have improved the health of my entire family! We started with MSM combo for my son, with autism. He used to get sick very often, his immune system was very compromised. After we saw the tremendous impact on his well-being, we added all the other Salvita products into his regular protocol. He is such a happy child and performs so much better at school. And he loves to drink MSM combo as its tastes like a cool drink. My family now takes Multi immune and MSM combo regularly and IF we get a cold, which is now rare, we recover in no time and symptoms are mild. Salvita products are high quality and very affordable, compared to other supplements we tried before. Thanks Salvita for better quality of our lifes! “Adela – Cape Town”



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